“Made in Italy”: The International Circulation, Marketing and Reception of Italian Cinema. Building a Transnational Network of Collaboration

Jul 16, 2019

Oxford Brookes University

Oxford Brookes University – Headington Campus, Clerici Building, Room CLC 203

The workshop will bring to Oxford Brookes University some of the researchers working on CInCIt – The International Circulation of Italian Cinema, the three-year research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, which aims to map out the forms of international distribution of Italian cinema and the operations that model an idea of Italian culture. As the CInCIt projects draws to an end, the workshop will be the chance to turn it into a springboard for future researches, broadening its scope and integrating new perspectives and research areas. The event will allow invited scholars to share knowledge on complementary fields (production studies, distribution studies, marketing, reception studies), discuss findings and methodologies, and ultimately plan strategic funding application to build a transnational network of collaboration on the International Circulation, Marketing and Reception of Italian Cinema.

Participants: Daniela Treveri Gennari, Paola Brembilla, Paolo Russo, Massimo Scaglioni, Paolo Noto, Marco Cucco, Luca Barra, Damiano Garofalo

9.00 Arrival and Welcome
9.30-11.00 Presentation of the CInCIt project
11.00 -11.30 Coffee
11.30-1.00 Discussion of CInCIt – Phase 2
The circulation, marketing and reception of Italian cinema in the UK and the US and other
Anglophone markets; discussion of potential funding applications (BA Leverhume, AHRC
Networking Scheme; HERA)
1.00 -2.00 Lunch
2.00 – 4.00 Discussion and work on main aims to funding application; Discussion of a publication
possibility on the Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
4.00 – 4.30 Coffee
4.30 – 5.00 Discussion of an integrated digital archive for Italian Cinema and potential funding
application (AHRC – Digital Transformation)
5.00 – 6.00 Conclusions